Support the Present

Dear Members of WSSB Community, 

Sometimes when you behold our school in action—students begging to play "Hot Cross Buns" and then playing it, with magnificent sincerity, on their rented violins; the younger children chasing around the resident lambs; some boys climbing a loquat tree then whispering conspiratorially; the child trying, with all her forehead-crinkled might, to finally recite her 12 times tables in front of the entire class—you can feel a heartbroken love, a love that’s often immediately followed by another feeling: an impulse to care, to serve, to make sure this school on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, California continues and thrives.

Many schools today—and understandably—advertise themselves by ​promising what they will provision students in the future. Many schools say that attending their schools contributes to attending other schools (good high schools, good colleges, good grad schools) and contributes to ultimately securing (grail of grails) illustrious careers. Again, understandable. But after a point, this habit of focusing on what a school will provision in the future seems (especially if the school overly stresses outward success) evidence of what St. Augustine called “disordered love.” Disordered love is not loving the wrong things but loving the right things in the wrong order.

The Waldorf School of Santa Barbara cares—cares deeply—for the future of its children, of course; but it also cares for the present of its children. This is what distinguishes us from many schools in the area. In other words, WSSB is not a mere stepping stone for good lives later. It is also an opportunity for good lives now. Here at WSSB the future does not trump the present. And our task as educators is to prepare your child for the future while never mislaying our recognition of the miracle of childhood and the marvel of being alive. 

We write these words to encourage you to support the present of your children. We write these words to encourage you to support the miracle of childhood and the marvel of being alive. You can do this by giving to WSSB—giving monetary donations to our Annual Campaign. 

Our goal this year is $125,000. Like most private schools, our budget relies on fundraising to help cover operating costs. Our fundraising also supports salary increases (which help our employees survive in one of the most expensive cities in our country) and campus/program improvements. 

No gift is too small and each is deeply valued. 

With great gratitude for your support, 

The WSSB Admin Team

PS We note that certain wise people say that the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present. If that’s the case, then Waldorf education is helpful indeed. 

PPS Please feel free to share this message.

Alexis Schoppe