Festivals, Lunch Program, and Important Dates
Our Halloween Journey was a beautiful and successful event! Thank you to the many parents, teachers, staff, and students who worked to create the magic!
Earlier today our classes celebrated Dia de los Muertos. This reverent and moving festival honors our loved ones who have passed away. Each class visited the altar to silently observe the many pictures, candles, and decorations. Afterwards, the students enjoyed traditional treats of hot chocolate and pan de Muertos.
This week the fifth grade celebrated the Hindu festival of lights, Deepawali, as part of their study of Ancient Civilizations. A big thank you to Sundeep Chanana who gave presentations in both the preschool and fifth grade. He explained to the children that the holiday is the biggest multi-day celebration in India, “like Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, and Thanksgiving rolled into one holiday.”
Lastly, today we kick off our Annual Giving Campaign. Please take time to read the letter, Support the Present. Like most private schools, our budget relies on fundraising to help cover operating costs. Our fundraising also supports salary increases (which help our employees survive in one of the most expensive cities in our country) and campus/program improvements. Thank you!
Important Dates:
November 11: Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
November 14: Knitting Offering with Ballard Sensei at 8:15 a.m.
November 18-22: Parent-Teacher Conferences. Early Dismissal Days 12:45 p.m.
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 6: Advent Spiral (details coming soon)
December 7: Winter Faire from 12 to 5 p.m.
The WSSB Admin Team