Tuition and Fees Schedule
2024-2025 School Year
We partner with FACTS to help manage our tuition payment program. You may choose to pay tuition annually (July), semi-annually (July and January), quarterly (July, October, January, and April) or monthly (July to May).You may also choose between two payment dates: the 5th or 20th of the month.
Tuition and Fees Schedule 2024-2025
Payment Due Dates:
*The Returning student registration fee on or before Feb. 23 is listed above. After Feb. 23, the returning student registration fees are $375 for 3-day preschool and $750 for 4-day Preschool through Grade 8. Registration fees are non-refundable. See enrollment agreement for details.
The Supply Fee is due June 1, 2024.
Tuition is due July 2024 and can be paid in 1, 2, 4 or 11 installments, beginning in July.
FACTS Account
FACTS is a mandatory tuition management service for enrollment and tuition contracts. FACTS account setup is required and is done as part of the registration process. Registration is not complete without completing this step.
Tuition Insurance
Tuition insurance and our withdrawal policy are in place to protect our families and our school if a family chooses to withdraw after an Enrollment Agreement has been signed. The tuition insurance premium is 2.7% of annual tuition, and is added to the first tuition installment. It is optional if the tuition is paid in full in one payment prior to the first day of school.
Parent Council / Enrichment Fee (due June 1st)
The Parent Council / Enrichment Fee is $35 per family per year. This fee helps offset the cost of bringing parent enrichment opportunities to the community throughout the school year while building community within our parent body. Certain parent enrichment events may have an additional ticket fee.
Instruments and Extracurricular Activities
The student’s instruments, class trips, and other extracurricular activities are additional costs that are the parents’ responsibility. Parents are advised of the costs as the activities are scheduled.
Extended Care for Early Childhood
Drop in after school care is available for children in Early Childhood from the end of their contracted day (12:30 pm for EC program or 2:40 pm for Extended Care) until 4:00 p.m. at an hourly rate of $13.00 if space is available. After care charges are billed monthly through FACTS.
After School Care for the Grades
After school care is available for children in Grades 1-8 from dismissal time until 5:00 p.m. at a rate of $13.00 per hour. Aftercare charges are billed monthly through FACTS.
Tuition Assistance
The Tuition Adjustment Program is designed to help WSSB be accessible to families that demonstrate need. Tuition Assistance is a privilege we are proud to offer at our school. For more information please contact the office at 805-967-6656.